Wednesday 10 April 2013

What IS the point?

Do you ever get a bit down in the dumps about anything and possibly everything?

Just sitting thinking what's the point of all this? why am i doing this?
This usually occurs when the sun has set and i should probably be in bed or doing something useful with my time. I clearly have a rocky relationship with my brain, although what teenage girl doesn't? Stop filling me with mood swings and 3am dilemmas! 

I feel like i'm about to go into one of these moods. I started asking myself what is the point of a few things and I've stopped myself. Because i could go into this in as much depth as i wanted. i could stay up all night pondering the points of these activities and things. It may give me an epiphany, but more likely it will just give me a headache and leave me feeling a bit sad.  And what would be the point of that? Eh eh see what i did there?
All that would happen is i would forget it all anyway and continue on. Because i like my hobbies and i am interested the subject i'm going to study and anything else just turns into a philosophical debate... or maybe political depending on what you question.

Sometimes i like to just draw myself quickly to the conclusion that there is no point. It's like i call my own bluff, if i question it and then say Well there is no point. So whatcha gonna do now then?
I'm not that much of a spontaneous, adventurous, daredevil soul. I stick to what i like, i try new things on occasion and if it doesn't suit me that's fine. So i'm not going to suddenly take my 'train of life' if you will, off the tracks. Also when i draw to this conclusion, mainly its more to shut myself up. But if there truly was no point then i guess i wouldn't be doing it. Even if the only point i have is that i have fun doing it. It's still something.

I don't know what the point is for a lot of things (duh). And thinking about the migraine i could get for trying to contemplate this stuff, i wouldn't try and attempt it.

Also i'm sorry if you thought this would answer some deep and meaningful question haha.

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